Rule #1 of Feng Shui: No Place for Unnecessary Things at Home
Do you want to
improve the flow of energy in the home, reduce stress and improve performance?
Make general cleaning and repair all broken items. Do an honest audit of
unnecessary things and get rid of them - not just put them in another place,
but actually get rid of them or give to those who need them and will be happy
to use them.
It is useful to get rid of the
"energy consumers" which include broken items, abandoned work, things
that you have not used in 1 year and items that cause you to have bad
associations or memories. Thus, you will contribute to the flow of energy, and
hence the arrival of new opportunities.
Rule #2 of Feng Shui: Entrance to Your Hose Has to be Perfect
The entrance to the house is the first impression of the
house. Make it nice to look at the entrance: perfectly decorated entrance area
will attract positive energy into your home. The entrance should be well lit,
clean and uncluttered. Note- clean the
door, is there at her apartment number, a working lock and door bell
(intercom), a clean rug in front of the door.
Rule # 3 of Feng Shui: Mirror in the Hallway should be Opposite to the Front Door
The mirror should not be directly opposite the front door since it may alienate
a favorable energy coming into the house. The best place for a mirror in the
hallway is on the same wall with the door or on a side. This way you can see
yourself when you leave home. It is
preferred to have one-piece mirror.
Rule # 4 of Feng Shui: Don't Clutter up the Living Room with Furniture
Arrange the furniture so that the energy can move freely and
that nothing would interfere with the communication. For example, do not place
the sofa and chairs on the path. Also, it is desirable to arrange the furniture
so that you can always see the door. For communication to be comfortable and
enjoyable try to sit diagonally, and not opposite each other.
Rule # 5 of Feng Shui: Bed in the Bedroom Should be Diagonal from the Entrance
If your bed is still standing opposite the door make sure to
move it closer to the corner diagonally across from the entrance where it has
the largest accumulation of favorable energy. Avoid placing the bed in front of
the window because it is too active energy that is not compatible with the
sleep function.
Also avoid placing massive hanging items over the headboard that
create destructive energy flow above you. Check to see that you are not reflecting
in the mirror and other mirror surfaces when you lie in bed. This arrangement
of mirrors may weaken your strength because of the outflow of energy. If you cannot remove
the mirror surface, then covering them with fabric at least for the night is
your next best option so nothing will stop you gain strength during sleep.
Rule # 6 of Feng Shui: Choose a Dome-Shaped Headboard
The headboard
should be intact and have a form that visually does not separate the spouses.
Headboard symbolizes protection, meaning the stronger and bigger it is, the
more protected and comfortable will be your sleep.
Avoid headboard with triangular and pointed forms, since they are
too aggressive and active energy which prevents full recovery. The ideal shape
of the head is rounded, dome-shaped or rectangular. The harmonious forms will provide
the necessary stability and peace of mind during sleep.
Rule # 7 of Feng Shui: Avoid Turning the Space Under your Bed into a Storage
If you don't have a partner, try choosing a double bed with
one mattress and two pillows. Free space is always filled in is the law of
nature. It is desirable to have free and clear space between the bed and the
floor and not a warehouse of things. This prevents energy stagnate and provides
for favorable energy during sleep.
Rule # 8 of Feng Shui: No Sharp Edges
Check if there are any sharp corners on furniture or walls.
If Yes, then try to either rearrange the furniture or redecorate the sharp
corners. The energy from such objects is perceived by our subconscious and is
the most powerful channels of perception. Aggressive form of angles can cause
anxiety, and overhanging objects will cause the overpowering feeling. All this
on a funded creates psychological discomfort and stress.
Rule # 9 of Feng Shui: Kitchen Should be Isolated
appliances such as stove and fridge should not be visible from the main
entrance. Since both of them have been associated with the family's hearth,
they must be protected from the eyes of strangers.
It is desirable to put a stove diagonally across from the
entrance. Check whether you are standing with your back to the door during
cooking. If you are, then this position will cause you psychological discomfort
and affect the quality of prepared food. If moving the cooker is not possible,
then hang the mirror over the stove so that you can see the who walks in while
Rule # 10 of Feng Shui: Try not to Store Broken Dishes
Part immediately with cracked or broken dishes, even if it
is your favorite mug. Drink and eat from such dishes is considered undesirable
since broken pieces carry a destructive energy. It is dangerous and you can get
hurt.Allow yourself to use your holiday china every day. Let each
meal will be a holiday, which will bond your family around the table and
strengthen family relationships.