Monday, July 21, 2014

Bedroom Repair: 7 Mistakes You Can Avoid

If you have decided to redo the interiors of your bedroom you should be guided mostly by the comfort. Since bedroom is the one room in your home that is responsible for your conform here is a must.  Consider the most common mistakes that can do the opposite and have quite undesirable effect.

I Soundproof

Often a feeling of privacy is achieved not so much through visual techniques, but many thanks additional soundproof. So you should think about additional protection from outside noise at the stage of repair works.

  II Too Much Light

When deciding on curtains for bedrooms it is advisable to choose from dense fabrics that can prevent bright sunlight at any time. Also suitable different roller blinds or shutters. Artificial light should be soft and diffused. Be sure to install a dimmer to adjust the brightness.

III Too Bright

If the shades in the bedroom are too bright it can create the mood quite opposite to the one necessary in the bedroom. Let bold colors will be present in other rooms. For sleeping rooms it is better to use less saturated hues conducive to rest and relaxation.

IV Too Dark

A room that is too dark is also not the best solution. Therefore, to add more light to your room include floor lamps or the lamp on the bedside table

V Cold Floors

Everybody can agree, that regardless of the season, they do not want to wake up in the morning and step on a cold floor. To avoid this many now turn to the new trend of installing floor heating system and combine it with the old system of a soft rug.

 VI Not Enough Storage

If you do not have a separate dressing room or if it is not large enough, you have to think how to store things in the bedroom. Moreover, even a slight disorder can be irritating. For small rooms it is better to use dressers, rather than bulky cabinets. And remember about the hidden storage.

VII Wrong Bed Placement

Very often, the bed placed in a way that makes the room looks smaller. To avoid this, always take into account the size of the furniture and the size of the premises. If you have a spouse, it is important to have access to both sides of the bed. Besides, it will be easier and more convenient to change the bed linen.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

How to decorate skylights?

How to decorate skylights?

In this article we are going to discuss how to correctly fill in the attic window without destroying aesthetics created by architects and at the same time preventing any unwanted light from outside from entering the room.

Additional Accessories 

The location of the Windows on the angle requires the use of a variety of additional accessories like holders, curtain rods, handrails, grabs and more. They allow to bind any window dressing to the realities of the architectural environment in which to place the decoration. Here you can use any design curtains, even the most intricate. The main thing is to make sure that the fabric is not unnecessarily out, creating a sloppy curves and irregular shape of the drapery.

Roll and Roman Blinds 

Roll and Roman blinds are attached directly to the frame or very close to it. They are especially useful in the attic because they can quickly open and close, they are mobile and do not require excessive maintenance. Many models are designed for use on inclined planes and include  additional rods, which adjusted along the window. They are like  rails that let the curtain to be  moved and giving it the opportunity to be parallel to the plane of the opening. This is also useful when opening a window to get fresh air, since it will prevent curtains from rising and they making rustling sounds. 

Traditional Approach

Quite often attics have widows that are positioned vertically. In this case if the slopes on both sides are not too close, you have an excellent opportunity to decorate the same way and all other windows in the house - building on the approaches that work for the standard window openings. The most elegant and versatile window treatment is still considered curtains to the floor on both sides of your window.

Going Bare

Returning to the original definition of the attic, we will offer here the method that is most austere decoration of window opening. It consists of not to using the window textiles at all. If in the traditional living rooms we almost never follow this trend, on the attic floor type it is more than natural. Think and look around - maybe your window already designed in the way it should be and doesn't need any extra draperies and complex mechanisms.